Board Members
Meet the officers of the current 2019-2020 board year:
President: Erin
Erin has been involved in our MOMS club for 5 years. She grew up in this area and truly enjoys hosting events that help moms and families meet, connect, and then begin to network! Erin's favorite thing about being a mom is teaching her children to have faith in God and also realizing daily that they teach her more about Him than they'll ever know!
Administrative Vice President: MonicaMonica has 3 daughters ages 7, 5, and 2. She moved to the area in December 2017 and joined in February of 2018 because the Central Pennsylvania winter was driving both her and her kids crazy being stuck inside without knowing any people in the area! MOMS Club gave her a great network of amazing women to help her feel connected to her new home. Her favorite thing about MOMS Club is that it is full of genuine, laid back women who are so ready to help out, hang out, and help each other survive the roller coaster ride that is motherhood. Because as we all know, it is not easy and we shouldn't try to do it alone! It seriously takes a village and she invites you to join this one.
Membership Vice President: Carrie
Carrie is a mom of 6 ranging in age from 1 to 24 years old! She enjoys sewing, reading, geocaching, and homeschooling her kids. After moving to PA from Charlotte, NC in 2016 she found that MOMS Club was a great way to create a social circle for herself and the kids while opening opportunities for ministry to women and children in the community. MOMS Club playdates, field trips, and new friendships revealed adventures and places to explore around their new home!
Treasurer: MorganMorgan has been living in Altoona for just over two years. She has a son named Owen and joined MOMS Club as soon as she found out about it when he was only 3 months old. She loves this club for many reasons but mostly because it's an amazing group of women going through the stages of motherhood together. She loves watching her son grow and playing outside with him. Being a mom is something she always wanted but until it actually happened, she never realized just how rewarding the job could be.
Hospitality: KatieKatie has been in the area since 2018 and a member of MOMS Club since 2014. She is a stay-at-home mom to 2 boys who love exploring the local state parks, climbing at Slinky Action Zone, and digging in the sand at Quaint Corner. Katie joined MOMS Club as a new mom and then again after relocating. She says that she couldn't have done it without the support and friendship of the clubs.
Marketing: Megan Megan is a mom to three young children and joined MOMS Club soon after moving to the area in 2018. She loves exploring outdoors with her kids, Club field trips, and the chapter's book club. MOMS Club has helped her feel at home far from family and keeps her grounded. She loves spending time with women that are authentic and willing to celebrate the in the highs and commiserate in the lows of life and motherhood. She has found true, life-long friends in the club. This is her village and hopes it becomes yours too!